Session 1: Pre – Apologetics Understanding Faith and Culture Finding Common Ground Less heat, more light in discussion Session 2: Un – Apologetic Faith Yes, Christians walk by Faith But so does everyone else - including the Atheist! Session 3: Today’s Key Apologetic Problem The focus of today’s major cultural attack The Bible – Answering the critics, Regaining confidence. Session 4: God’s Faith Builder: The Feasts of the Lord Leviticus 23 God’s Redemption Story engraved in Hebrew Culture An Apologetic for the Judeo-Christian Story, second to none!
Session Descriptions – in above order
1) Our contemporary cultural ignorance of all things “religion” has resulted in an inability to think and discuss faith and culture adequately. This ignorance has resulted in secular atheism becoming the state sponsored religion. This ignorance must be addressed if the church is to have more success in keeping the next generation within the faith. Too many believe they have left faith and religion, a myth like no other. 2) Too many Christians appear hesitant when talking about their Biblical Faith. Critics challenge, “Everything in culture and science speaks against such a belief!” Too often we silently breathe, “It seems foolish, but sorry I still believe.” How can we move towards an un ̶ apologetic confidence in our faith walk? 3) Our culture as a whole is in the mopping-up phase of removing the Bible as a relevant and reliable book for faith and history. The much talked about errors in the Bible, the prevalence of so many questions regarding its history has resulted in the rejection of the book. At a deeper level the moral imperatives of the Biblical message add even more fuel for its banning. Even many Christians have shelved the book; it no longer has a shaping presence in their lives. How do we answer the critics? How do we regain confidence? A careful analysis of this problem (i.e. Biblical authenticity and authority) from the perspective of the Cosmic Biblical Story itself points us towards an even deeper issue. The above-mentioned concerns are not the real reason why the Bible has been rejected out of hand by our culture. The root issue centers around the Biblical view of reality which is completely at odds with the perspective of reality fostered by secular atheism, aka scientific materialism. The church, our young people, need to address and critique this deepest challenge to biblical authority. A careful look will reveal that we have been impacted by our culture far more than we recognize. A careful look will show that recent discoveries in science support the Biblical perspectives. 4) Our challenge to believe the “Unbelievable Jesus Kingdom Story” has not been lost on God. Doubters struggle, “How could God become a man? How could this God-man die and be raised to life again? How could his unbelievably unjust death be relevant and sufficient for our eternal salvation?” God’s greatest faith–assist program is found in the culturally embedded Jewish annual Feasts. The feasts metaphorically and prophetically tell the hard-to-believe story of what God is doing to redeem humanity. We do well to pay attention to this message that has been forgotten too long, “buried” as it is, in Leviticus 23.
Jake Wiens comes well prepared to address each of these four sessions’ key topics. His presentations are interesting and thought provoking. Joe and Debbie Van Calsteren PG
Jake's seminar on the feasts was an incredible way to enter the week before Easter. Jake spoke with passion and precision as he tied the Old Testament feasts into Jesus' kingdom narrative. I highly recommend this seminar for exploring the deeper relationships between the Old and New Testament. Pastor Craig Reimer Westwood Church, PG
Spring, Fall, Winter Your Church Main Street Your Town, BC / Alberta & beyond
*** Scheduling / Costs / etc. suggested ***
Friday 7 – 8:30 P M Session 1 Saturday 10:30 AM Session 2
12 noon Lunch
Saturday 1 – 2:30 PM Session 3 Saturday 7 – 9:00 PM Session 4 (Evening Session open to all – invite your friends)
Cost $75 Includes copy of author’s newly revised book Saturday lunch and evening refreshments
Registration Through your church office Or at the door