This book does an excellent job of debunking the cultural myth that secular humanism is the only unbiased worldview, the only non-religion. The result is a grand appeal to carefully choose the story to which we submit. |
Following his own journalings about the uniqueness and reasonableness of the Christian meta-narrative, Jake Wiens decided to write a book that not only describes the nature of the Christian faith from a number of perspectives but demonstrates how it contrasts with other existing major religious systems including atheism. Out of special concern for the next generation's ability to discern the importance of religious faith, Jake writes as a competent educator concerning philosophy, religion, and Christianity. It represents an important contribution to current literature on the defense of the Christian faith. |
It is an excellent read for believers struggling with Christianity’s relevance and the validity of God’s story in today’s culture. I found myself confronted with having to inspect my own assumptions regarding secular humanism. I came to understand it to be a religion that is vibrant, widespread and growing in our culture. This book will help people speak clearly, yet simply, with others about this so-called non-religious, benign, belief choice. |